研发家 | 2024-06-07 0




An artificial intelligence (AI) team at Stanford University apologized for plagiarizing a large language model (LLM) from a Chinese AI company, which became a trending topic on the Chinese social media platforms, where it sparked concern among netizens on Tuesday.





The apology came after the team from Stanford University announced Llama3-V on May 29, claiming it had comparable performance to GPT4-V and other models with the capability to train for less than $500. 



然而,有网友发现,该团队发布的Llama3-V和国内大模型MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5有极高的相似度,后者是由国内大模型初创企业“面壁智能”和清华大学自然语言处理实验室联合推出的。


However, some netizens from X found and listed evidence of how the Llama3-V project code was reformatted and similar to MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5, an LLM developed by a Chinese technology company, ModelBest, and Tsinghua University.



两个模型的代码对比 图源:GitHub


随后,面壁智能首席科学家、清华大学长聘副教授刘知远在知乎上回应,MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5在研发时内置了一个彩蛋,就是对“清华简”的识别能力,而Llama3-V模型居然也有一模一样的能力。


Both Llama3-V and the MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5 large model are based on the open-source Llama3 large model. Still, the team in Tsinghua conducted unique training, including using the "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips," a collection of Chinese texts written on strips of bamboo which date back to the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), to train the model to recognize ancient Chinese characters.


Tests show that the model released by the Stanford University team can also recognize the "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips."


清华简是清华大学于2008年7月收藏的一批战国竹简,为战国中晚期文物。刘知远透露,识别清华简是MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5的一项实验功能,训练图像是最近从出土文物中扫描并标注,且尚未公开发布。


"We are quite sure that the Stanford team has plagiarized our big model research results," Liu Zhiyuan, a tenured associate professor of the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University, told Xinhua.


"The data we scanned and annotated word by word from the 'Tsinghua Bamboo Slips' has never been made public, and Llama3-V has shown the same ability to identify the 'Tsinghua Bamboo Slips,' even the error examples are the same," said Liu, who is also a member of the Tsinghua big model team.




As doubt accumulated, the Stanford team deleted the database and promotion articles on the Internet, Liu said, adding "from the evidence and their reactions, the nature of plagiarism has been relatively confirmed."


最新消息,4日,斯坦福Llama3-V团队的两位作者森德哈斯·沙玛(Siddharth Sharma)和阿克沙·加格(Aksh Garg)在社交平台上就这一学术不端行为向面壁MiniCPM团队正式道歉,并表示会将Llama3-V模型悉数撤下





Two team members, Aksh Garg and Siddharth Sharma, reposted a netizen's query and apologized on Monday, while claiming that their role was to promote the model on Medium and X (formerly Twitter), and that they had been unable to contact the member who wrote the code for the project.


They looked at recent papers to validate the novelty of the work but had not been informed of or were aware of any of the work by Open Lab for Big Model Base, which was founded by the Natural Language Processing Lab at Tsinghua University and ModelBest, according to their responses. They noted that they have taken all references to Llama3-V down in respect to the original work.


此外,斯坦福人工智能实验室主任克里斯托弗·大卫·曼宁(Christopher David Manning)也发文谴责这一抄袭行为。



Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Christopher Manning also responded to Garg's explanation on Sunday, commenting "How not to own your mistakes!" on X.



According to a screenshot leaked online, Li Dahai, CEO of ModelBest, also made a post on his WeChat moment, saying that the two models were verified to have highly similarity in terms of providing answers and even the same errors, and that some relevant data had not yet been released to the public. 


He said the team hopes that their work will receive more attention and recognition, but not in this way. He also called for an open, cooperative and trusting community environment.

