

International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility



Intelligent mobility on road, in air, on sea or on rail is a trending topic which is covered by the ICMIM since 2015. Key enabling technologies including hardware components, circuits and systems up to terahertz range as well as signal processing techniques and interference issues are addressed by the conference. Potential applications include
automation with radar and other sensing techniques, navigation and localization, mobile communications, driver assistance, and over-the-air testing. The conference will offer keynotes, invited and regular oral presentations, and interactive poster contributions.

Conference Board

General Chair:Prof. D. Heberling, Fraunhofer FHR

Technical Program Chair : Prof. T. Dallmann, TU Ilmenau

Publication Chair:Prof. T. Dallmann, TU Ilmenau

Finance Chair:D. Dudek, VDE  ITG

Technical Program Co-Chair:Dr. Maria Gonzales-Huici, Fraunhofer FHR

Technical Program Co-Chair:T. Freialdenhoven, Fraunhofer FHR

Advisory Board:Prof D. Kissinger, Universität Ulm

Organization:T. Franke, VDE e.V


Scope of the conference

ICMIM covers topics including but not limited to
- Automotive radar systems, modulation and waveforms
- Microwave systems, modules, components, MMIC, and packaging
- Frontends and frontend modules
- Metasurfaces and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)
- Design and testing of antennas, arrays, MIMO, and phased array systems
- Wave propagation, channel measurements, and channel modeling
- Analogue RF and radar signal processing, sensor data fusion
- Interference, coexistence issues and spectrum sharing
- Machine learning for RF sensors systems
- 140 GHz and beyond in these and related fields of applications:
- Intelligent transportation systems and other industrial applications
- Autonomous vehicles at land, air, and sea
- Automotive radar
- Mobile communications (e.g., ITS-G5/DSRC, C-V2X, 5G, 6G)
- Joint communication and sensing
- Sensing and imaging techniques and systems (passive, active)
- Wireless localization, navigation, tracking and sensor networks
- Environmental detection and sensing
- System measurements, performance evaluation, test and validation


Important dates



Extended paper submission deadline: 


Paper submission deadline:


Notification of paper acceptance: 


Conference date





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